Play online responsibly

All users of the site that visit the site to bet on sports online, must be responsible for their stay on our resource. Online betting and gambling is not a way to earn money, but a pleasant pastime.

Rules of responsible gambling

Always study the rules of an online casino or bookmaker, the return percentage, the chances of winning and bookmakers rating. This way you can assess your prospects and bet online with a higher probability of winning.

What is Ludomania?

Many players who become overly addicted to betting on sports and playing casino games become addicted to the game. Online gaming replaces family, work and becomes the only hobby. Many people bet on sports from their phones and devote all their free time to the game. This is ludomania or gambling addiction.

If you or your loved ones have become addicted to online gambling/betting, you need to treat ludomania. To do this, you need to seek the help of professionals who can help you cope with the problem. There are online gambling addiction help centres.